Animated basketball drills
Playname: Half court weave-shoot
The play starts with three lines at half court with the middle line having the ball to start (Player 4).

Player 1 & Player 2 at the baseline also have a ball.

Player 4 passes the ball to Player 5.  Player 4 follows his pass, moving behind the player he passed to.
Player 5 passes the ball to Player 3.  He then follows his pass, moving behind the person he passed to.
Player 3 passes the ball to Player 4.  He follows his pass moving behind the player he passed to.
Player 4 passes the ball to Player 5 who drives in for the lay-up.  

Player 4 and Player 3 move to the wing.
Player 1 & 2, pass their ball out to Player 4 & 3.

Player 5 retrieves his own rebound after making lay-up.
Player 5 passes his rebound back to the middle to Player 7.  He follows his pass and moves to the back of the middle line.

Players 3 & 4 take jump shots.

Players 1 & 2 move to the back of the lines on their side of the court.
Player 4 & 3 retrieves their rebounds and move to the baseline on the same side they shot from.

The drill starts again at mid court with the players passing in the same direction.  In this example, Player 7 would pass to Player 8.

The drill can run in the opposite direction but players would rotate clockwise instead of counter clockwise.

I emphasize the shooters follow their shot after releasing the ball.
The drill I feel gives a good combination of motion, passing, lay-ups and jump shooting.
Drill submitted by: John Hinton
Sub categories: Shooting, Warming up, Passing

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