Animated basketball plays
Defense matchup
Playname: 1-1-3 match-up inside moves
Inside Positions Responsibilities:
1. Defend from the free throw line down.
2. Each outside player must have one foot inside the lane.
3. If in doubt move to the ball!
Wing above free throw line extended.
No player in corner.
X 4 fronts the low post,
X 5 moves to mid lane area,
X 3 moves to hoop.
Wing above free throw line extended.
Player in the corner.  
X4 moves 1/2 way to the corner,
X5 fronts the low post,
X3 moves to hoop.
Wing below free throw line extended.
X4 is up and sprints to the ball,  
X5 is middle and fronts the low post,
X3 is hoop and moves to hoop.
Corner- Short Slide
X5 is up and sprints to the ball,
X4 is middle and sprints to front the low post, X3 is hoop and stays at hoop.
Dribble to the wing
When the ball is dribbled to the wing X4 moves to a modified up position ready to take the ball if it is dribbled or passed below the free throw line extended.
Play submitted by: Jerry Nicholson-Winnetka Bullets
Sub category: Defense

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