After 1 calls the play he slowly moves to the left.
Nobody really try to look in a hurry yet.
1 tries not to look at 3, even though you know you are about to pass to them.

When 1 makes the pass, he gets across half court and he makes it look like he wants the ball back.
4 be ready to clear from your defender.

When 3 gets the pass, catch and pass to 2 quick.
2 must be ready to pass to 4.

1 keeps fading in to the open lane.
5 get ready to block your defender out.

1 needs to make quick hard cut thru the lane.
4 the pass here counts a lot, make it good.
3 block out you man.

1 don't count on anything here.
Take a good shot.
If everyone works together here this can be a very effective play.

Submitted by: Jerry Dunn
Category: Offense man