Starting positions: Out of bounds sideline
call = sideline
3 starts the out of bounds by hitting hard on the ball.
2 sets a screen on the defender of 1.
1 setups his defender so that he bumps into the screen.
3 passes to the free 1

3 cuts over the double screen of 4 and 5.
Passing options:
1. 1 passes the ball straight to the cutting 3
2. 1 gives a quick pass to 2 (for a better passing angle), who passes the ball to the cutting 3.
If 3 doesn't get the ball he goes to the weak side out of the three point area.

5 sets a screen for 4.
4 goes over the screen of 5 and receives the ball from 1 or 2.
If 4 doesn't get the ball he goes to the low post on the weak side.

After the screen on 4, 5 rolls to the ball and if possible receives the ball from 1.

Submitted by: Erik Timmermans
Category: Out of bounds