Basketball plays and drills
Offense zone
Playname: Two zone
Two offense
Basic set:
2 guard front offense starts opposite #5.
#1 and 2 out front player without ball slightly behind player with ball for a safe pass back.
#3 and #4 low blocks.
# 5 at either side of foul line.

#3 comes to wing at foul line extended.
#4 comes across low block.
#5 floats middle to high post.
#2 comes to elbow opposite ball side.
#3 comes up to foul line extended to receive a pass from #1
#3 after receiving pass waites for #4 to come across lane to low block ball side looking for pass and #5 floates across lane looking for pass to high block
#2 comes to elbow weak side for skip pass
#1 moves to a position to receive a return pass to start rotation to other side of floor
#3 passes back to #1.
#2 receive pass from #1.
#4 comes to wing foul line extended.
#3 after passing ball to #1 comes to low block opposite ball.
#5 stays opposite ball high post area.
#4 comes up to foul line extended to receive a pass from #2.
#4 after receiving pass waits for #3 to come across lane to low block ball side looking for pass and #5 floats across lane looking for pass to high block.
#1 comes to elbow weak side for skip pass.
#2 moves to a position to receive a return pass to start rotation to other side of floor.
Submitted by: Dan Oldham
Category: Offense zone
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