Start with a pass from the guard to one of the forwards.

4 - Pick off 1's man & open to basket if your man takes 1 in corner.
2 - Option to 1 in corner, possible mismatch to 4.
5 - Flashing with hands up, on the way to set pick; this takes away weak side help if we pass to 4.

5 - Sprint Pick and Roll on 2's man.
2 - Dribble Drive.
1 - Circle Movement to Safety.
3 - Circle Movement to Pitch.

3 on 2
2 - Primary options are shoot or pass to 4 or 5.

4 - Must clear out to make way for roll.
2 - Must circle move to move your man away from roll.
5 - May anticipate jump trap and slip to basket.

3 on 2
3 - Primary options are shoot or pass to 4 or 5.

Submitted by: Nathan S. Winesett
Categories: Offense motion, Offense