Basketball plays and drills
Offense 1-3-1
Playname: Strong side screen away 1
1 passes the ball to 2 after which he sets a screen for 3.

3 will make a fake in preparation for the screen.
2 passes to 5 and waits a second for the ball back,

Depending on how the defense reacts 5 can pass the ball back to 2.
3 uses the screen of 1.

4 steps out and sets together with 2 a double screen for 3.

5 should look for his own changes.

1 rolls to the basket after setting the screen for 3, giving 5 an extra passing option.
Using the double screen of 2 and 4 3 comes free at the 3-point arc to receive the ball from 5.

4 rolls to the basket.
3 takes the 3 pointer.

While 1,4 and 5 are ready to rebound.

2 and 3 fall back a little for defense
Submitted by: Jes-Soft
Category: Offense 1-3-1
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